Skiing was a family activity that brought us together. When I first took my son, Maks skiing, on our third run he asked, “Dad, where are we going?” I said, “We’re not going anywhere in particular, we are here to have fun skiing.” which we continued to do for many days thereafter.
We all have different memories about our ski adventures and this page is a place to store them. Please add your comments, corrections, and recollections below.
1962 – Beth goes on a ski trip with Leo Rishty, inspiring Myron to go on the next ski weekend with her. The story I recall was a small kid admonished Myron for falling on the beginner ski slope and that is all it took for him to take on a new sport with furver.
1963 – We start going on weekend family ski trips in the family Chrysler station wagon. We mostly went to Blue Knob Ski Area, Ski Roundtop, and the Charnita ski area. We often had family friends along and many times stopped at the Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian for a buffet dinner.
1964 – Jerry Fried came to Myron with an idea to invest in a liquor store. Beth says to Jerry that he’ll likely get robbed and worse, shot as a liquor store owner. She says, what this town needs is a ski shop. So they go into business together to open Ski Haus on Wisconsin Avenue in Bethesda, MD, across from the Hot Shoppes restaurant near Old Georgetown Road. Ski Haus was the first ski shop in the Washington, D.C. metro area. Jerry managed the store and ski equipment, and Beth curated the clothing available in the store. Myron worked in the store, selling ski equipment during busy holiday seasons. I recall Myron enjoying not having to pay retail prices while outfitting his family for family ski adventures.


1966 – Gary goes to the Stein Erickson summer ski race camp at Crystal Mountain, WA.
1967 – Ski Haus moves a couple blocks away to the corner of Cordell Ave. and Woodmont Ave.\

1968-69 – Beth uses her proceeds from Ski Haus to rent a home on Red Mountain in Aspen Colorado. Scott and friend, Peter took a semester off from college and the other four boys and Sherry went to Aspen public schools. Rick was a senior at Aspen High School. Greg & Sherry were in 10th grade at Aspen High School. Gary was in 9th grade at Aspen High School. Cliff was in 6th grade at Aspen Elementary.
1970 – Beth, Maggie and Stanley Horowitz open Safari Aspen, a women’s evening wear store across from the base of Aspen Mountain Ski Area. Beth and Stanley also buy a house together on McClin Flats Road, overlooking the Aspen Airport and all four Aspen ski areas.

1971 – Beth buys out Stanley’s portion of the Aspen House. Scott was a Ski bum in Sun Valley, ID.
1971-72 – Myron makes a movie about our family ski trips to Snowbird, UT and Aspen.
1972 – Beth and Cliff move to the Aspen house and Cliff starts Aspen High School and ski racing.
- Gary was in college at C.U. in Boulder, Co.
- Greg was a ski instructor on Aspen Mountain.
- Rick was in college at Colorado University in Ft. Collins, CO.
- Scott married Jan and moved to Crested Butte to be on the ski patrol.
1972-73 – Myron makes a movie about our family ski trip to Telluride, CO
1973 – Cliff goes to the Pepi Stiegler Summer Ski Race Camp in Jackson Hole, WY.
1972-76 – Greg is a Ski Instructor on Aspen Mountain for Aspen Ski Corp.
1973-74 – Myron makes the movie Winterskol about skiing in Aspen.
1974 – Cliff goes to the ski race camp at Whistler Mountain, B.C., and skis with Toni Sailer and Wayne Wong. Afterward, he journeys to the World’s Fair in Spokane.
1975 – Cliff graduates Aspen High School and drives his yellow VW Thing to summer ski camp at Mammoth Lakes, CA. Afterward, he journeys to Yosemite and Lake Tahoe and starts a year of ski racing, becoming a USSA Class A ski racer.
1976 – Cliff goes to Syracuse University and ski races NCAA.
1976 – Myron makes a movie about skiing in SunValley and Aspen.
1977-79 – Greg is a Private Ski Instructor on Aspen Mountain.
1979 – Ski Haus moves from Cordell Ave. to Wisconsin Ave, across from the White Flint Mall in Rockville. Cliff designs the floorplan, helps manage the store interior build-out, and helps Bill Montag with moving stuff.
1980-84 – Greg is a Ski Instructor on Aspen Mountain for Aspen Ski Corp.
1983 – Scott, Greg & Cliff heli-ski in the Canadian Monashees. It was an amazing week of heliskiing ending with a blast. A propane explosion blew up the building we were sleeping in. We were supposed to ski in the AM then take a bus to the airport. Instead, the bus took us to the hospital to get everyone sewn back together.
1985-87 – Greg is a Private Ski Instructor on Aspen Mountain.
1986 – Beth sells the Aspen house and moves to Palm Springs, CA.
1986 – Myron makes a movie about a family trip to ski in Klosters, Switzerland.
1988-92 – Greg is a Ski Instructor on Aspen Mountain for Aspen Ski Corp.
1988 – Myron makes a movie about a family ski trip to Jackson Hole, WY.
1990 – Scott moves his family to Steamboat Springs where there is a High School for Samantha and Logan. Scott works as a Ski Patrol and Logan starts nordic jumping.
1993 – Ski Haus closes.
1995-96 – Greg is a Ski Instructor at Seven Springs Ski Resort in Pennsylvania.
2008 – Scott and Jan leave Steamboat Springs and move to Portland, Oregon.
2023 – Greg will be an Aspen Ski Corp Ambassador.